We hold a series of monthly speakers meetings. We meet on the first Wednesday of each month
(September to May)
Our next scheduled meeting is Wednesday September 4, 2024. Ken Adamson will be discussing George Elias Tuckett (owner of the Tuckett Tobacco Company,27th Mayor of Hamilton and builder of The Scottish Rite.
SCHS Reference Library & Archives is located at :
The Winona Community Centre at 255 Winona Rd, Winona.
See our Archives Section for more information.
On behalf of the Stoney Creek Historical Society (SCHS), I welcome you to our web site.
We exist to capture and preserve the history of Stoney Creek for current and future generations.
I am very proud of what we have accomplished to date, but there is more to do.
Please have a good look at the various tabs that we have established. We welcome your thoughts and comments.
We have an exceptional Reference Library and Archive. Our volunteers have gathered a number of historic documents, records, and photos. Any documents or photos that you may have relating to our extraordinary history, and wish to share or donate, are greatly appreciated.
In the past, we have had monthly meetings, each with a dynamic speaker and an engaging topic. We hope to continue them into the future.
Admission $5.00 for non-members.
My thanks to our members and corporate sponsors for their ongoing support.
Do join us. I know that you’ll be glad that you did.
Greg Armstrong